Friday, June 22, 2007

Tim Griffin... you're outta here

Most of you probably don't know who Tim Griffin is. That's not surprising.

Well, take a few moments to read up on him.

Ok, so you don't want to do the research on your own, huh? Well, long and short of it, he was VERY closely involved in the 2000 Florida recount (on Bush's side of it all) and also heavily involved in the 2004 Presidential Election. Most notably, in 2004, he was caught red-handed emailing a "caging list" to Carl Rove with 70,000 names of students, military personnel and homeless voters, from predominantly black and Democratic areas.

He was later appointed the U.S. Attorney in Arkansas when Bud Cummins was forced to resign in the recent and ongoing scandal involving Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Okay, so now you're up to speed. Basically, he's a loyal bushie and is definitely not the most upstanding or moral individual.

Well, he resigned, effective June 1, to "pursue opportunities in the private sector" after all that finagling to get him the position in the first place. The timing of the resignation is especially interesting...

He resigned on the day that (just hours after, actually) Michigan Representative John Conyers asked for information regarding the emailed caging lists.

Those lists, by the way, were obtained by Greg Palast, investigative reporter and author of Armed Madhouse.

Please note that in the CNN article about the resignation (which was difficult for me to even locate after hearing the news) there is no mention of his background in any of these scandals.

But try to remember his name... I have a funny feeling he'll be popping up again... He's now looking to work for Fred Thompson's campaign... I guess that's as close to the private sector as he can get.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thought you should know...

I don't know who you are planning to vote for in 2008.

If you're anything like me, you don't know yet either.

Good... then you have plenty of time to learn about the candidates.

Just so we're clear, I'm not advocating for ANY candidate from ANY party. I'm just trying to get the facts to the voting population so that they may make an educated decision.

Here's an interesting article on Hillary from The Nation...